Word Menu词汇表

Word Menu词汇表
fiduciary executor district attorney defense attorney da court reporter counselor-at-law counselor conservator client claimant circuit judge character witness barrister attorney at law associate arbitrator amicus curiae alleged agent accused venue unwritten law tribunal tort law surrogate superior court substantive law small-claims court roman law procedural pro bono juror patent law napoleonic moot court military law maritime legal aid law office juvenile court justinian justice jus jurisprudence international law federal court equity divorce court district court Criminal Law criminal justice criminal court inquiry common pleas court of appeal constabulary commercial law circuit court case law canon law bar association assizes appellate admiralty law ways and means vassalage unwritten constitution unseat incorporated unconstitutional top secret thralldom sit-in proletariat peacenik freedom-fighter foco fifth column fellow traveler direct action destructionist demonstration counterrevolution blacklist antiestablishment activism write-in voting machine voting booth voter undecided swing vote straw poll straight ticket stand down split ticket smear campaign secret ballot runoff referendum Public opinion preferential poll tax polling poll politicking plurality plebiscite nomination off year national convention multiple minority mandate landslide keynote address hustings candidacy grass roots glad-hand general election fund-raiser ethnic electorate electoral vote electoral college electioneer election primary election delegation crossover cross-file constituency campaign trail by-election body politic bandwagon ballot box ballot backlash acceptance speech absolute majority absentee ballot young turk suffragette standardbearer stalking-horse sachem running mate republican president-elect watcher pollster politico polemicist placeman old-line noncandidate nominee Minority Leader politician leadership kingmaker lobbyist keynoter Jacobin jack in office incumbent ideologue holdover hatchet man handler floor leader favorite son elector Dixie democrat dark horse committeewoman committeeman chairperson candidate cadre cacique bedfellow baby kisser apparatchik alternate activist war chest vested interest statesmanship statecraft spoilsman spoil public opinion poll Public Interest prorogue pressure group pork barrel policy National Committee movement logrolling komsomol jawboning declaration cronyism bossism bipartisan beadledom back room ascendancy apparat affiliation adapt Whig war party universal suffrage undemocratic ultraconservatism two-party system Trotskyist trotsky Tory thought control third party third estate tammany syndicalism suppression suffrage stewardship state socialism splinter party soft line social democracy self-determination ruling royalist right wing Republican Party repression realpolitik radicalism populism polity politics political economy