Word Menu词汇表

Word Menu词汇表
political science planned economy patriotism party oppression nonpartisan nihilism new left neofascism nazism multiparty moderatism minority party Marxism maoist majority rule mainstream Magna Carta opposition liberty libertarian liberation liberalism Leninism left wing supremacist iron hand independence ideological hard line guild socialism green party grand old party GOP geopolitics free thought free enterprise freedom of the Press freedom of speech freedom franchise fourth estate fourierism fabian extremism socialism evolutionary establishment enfranchisement emancipation egalitarianism domination Democratic Party conservatism Communist Party communism commons collectivism civil rights civics chauvinism centrist capitalism bolshevism anarcho-syndicalism anarchism zip code stationery special delivery rural free delivery rfd sender registered mail priority postpaid post office Postmaster General postmaster postmark postman poste restante postcode postcard postbag postal service postal order postal postage stamp postage meter due postage post-office box post-office parcel post mail order mail drop mailbag mail mailman letter carrier indicia general delivery express mail certified certified mail APO air express aerogramme aerogram taxation subsidy subjugation statutory law statute states' rights slavery sitting session serfdom seniority courtesy senatorial second reading secession roll call rider revoke revenue rescind repeal regulation red tape redistrict reapportionment public service public works public policy proportional representation tax proclamation private bill prime the pump prerogative pocket veto pigeonhole parliamentarian ordinance supremacy national merit system jurisdiction junket judicial review joint resolution item veto interposition interpellation internal revenue initiative inauguration implied impeachment grant-in-aid foreign policy fiscal policy reading filibuster fiat expenditure executive session executive privilege executive order executive enumerate enactment eminent domain edict dissenting delegate dedication Declaration of independence debt ceiling debriefing coronation convene constitutionality constitution conflict of interest concurrent resolution commonweal cloture civil law civil disobedience citizenship charter caucus casting vote budget briefing bloc bill of rights attainder authority assessment archives appropriation apportionment annexation amendment allegiance affirmative action advice adjourn act abstain abdicate warlord viceroy vice president vice- under secretary treasurer speaker of the house sergeant at arms selectman secretary-general regent public servant Prime Minister policymaker philosopher pharaoh monarch minister without portfolio ethnarch lieutenant governor legislator lawmaker lawgiver jemadar employee freshman freehold federal enfranchise emperor dynasty duce doorkeeper disenfranchise