Word Menu词汇表

Word Menu词汇表
screamer scandal sheet runover rewrite Reuters reporter reportage put to bed profile press secretary press release press corps press conference press box association press agent pipeline pictorial photojournalism photo paparazzi newsworthy newsroom newsmagazine news flash newsdealer news agency news nameplate muckraking mass media managing makeup lead-in layout journalist investigative headline hard news lobster shift graveyard shift front page free press freelancer flack First Amendment feuilleton feature fanzine essay deep throat dateline cub reporter critic cover story cover girl coverage correspondent copy desk copyboy contributor contributing editor comic strip columnist clipsheet clipping classified advertisement city editor circulation cartoon byline bureau chief bulldog edition journalism broadcast book review boilerplate blowup bio attribution Associated Press AP agony column advertorial yearbook who's who tract tome self-help regional reference book periodical pamphlet newspaper newsletter monograph manifesto in-house how-to house organ handbook guidebook gazetteer gazette encyclopedia diary concordance compilation communique comic book codex bulletin brochure booklet autobiography audio book anthology annals almanac western verso unsolicited unedited uncut unabridged typescript trim size trade book title page thriller textbook text synopsis spiral-bound spine sinkage signature shelf life serial rights science fiction scholarly sales force royalty revision reprint rejection slip reissue redact recto reader publishing house publisher publicity publicist publication proof sheet proofreader printing printer's error presentation copy presale prepackage potboiler pocket book plagiarism permission paperbound paperback packager overstock out of print history pagination nonfiction manuscript mail-order literary introduction in print imprint holiday hardcover half title Gothic ghost writer genre gathering galley proof foreword footnote flyleaf fascicle faction excerpt errata endpaper educational editor in chief edition dust jacket dime novel copyreader copy editor colophon clothbound chapter censorship caption bookstore bookstall bookseller bookplate bookman book jacket book club bookbinding ripper blurb blue-pencil blueline bestseller back matter backlist author appendix advance copy addendum editor acquisition academic abridge ABA usury undue influence skip bail nonfeasance turpitude misfeasance lawbreaker infringement duress conduct delict negligence contributory contravention breach of contract breach before the fact wrongful