
profiteer rip off ceremony rescuer spokesman rescue press corps rep press briefing remnant premiere remains premier relief work precaution rehabilitation power failure redundant poverty-stricken red-letter day reciprocal reemployment pope rapport poor box radical politburo racial discrimination police patrol against time Prime Minister PM quiz game plastic explosive perk questionnaire quarantine pentagon insurance pension victim quake pedestrian peak time Moslem peaceful co-existence mortally mortality rate moped passerby mobile parliament mercy killing palm medium overwhelming majority overture medical team overseas student master key overpass marriage lines opinion poll manuscript on-the-spot man of mark off-hour maim null and void Mad cow disease notion lifeline nominee letter bomb news flash lease news conference leading actor news briefing landslip news agency laid-off nest egg knowledge economy vote negative national anthem kiosk music kidnap multimedia karate mourn judo mosque invitation interim government insurgent go off inspector gear highway material incumbent fundamentalist incidence full house in-service fuel leak related front row seat immunization front page idle frame-up ideology flying squad hypermedia flea market hurricane flame fighter reform fanatic hostage taker famine hoof family planning runner face-to-face product extremist hit parade vest explosion hijack explode sidelight exclusive interview evacuation heroin evacuate hawk ethnic minority home team guest team eradicate guest of honor epidemic consume envoy hotline consultation enlisted man condolence en route to complication embassy collide embargo cleric eliminate claim electric power civilian el nino char economic take-off correspond economic sanction economic dynamite bomber dove bomb-disposal door money blizzard donate division chief blast bird flu detonate avalanche charge assassination defuse ash ruin armed debris anarchist death toll al-Qaida culture heritage aftershock cremate activist contract aboriginal recruit wound reconciliation withdraw weapons of mass destruction rebellion faction rebel violence raid veteran espionage topple reconstruction intelligence territory peace suspend patrol stronghold paratrooper storm brink step aside step down alert station mobilize spy minister special envoy mine snipe militia siege police retaliation option resume coupe relief effort militant maneuver reinforcement logistic keeper troop humanitarian aid coalition