Which of the following is true regarding presumptions of intention to create legal relations?
Which TWO of the following social, domestic and family contracts would be presumed by the courts as intended to be legally binding?
(1) An agreement where a father offers to pay his daughter a monthly allowance if she continues her education
(2) An agreement between friends to enter a newspaper competition together and share any prizes between them
(3) An agreement between a husband and wife who have separated for one to rent the family home from the other
(4) An agreement by a son to pay his mother housekeeping money while he stays at home
Which of the following, in the context of entering into a contract, constitutes a binding offer to sell a unique item of furniture?
Which of the following statements in relation to effective consideration is correct?
Which of the following is a rule for valid consideration?
Certain contracts may be made orally but are not enforceable unless they are evidenced in writing.
Which of the following contracts must be evidenced in writing?
In which TWO of the following contracts will intention to create legal relations be presumed?
(1) A contract between a man and his brother in relation to the transfer of property between them
(2) A contract between two friends for one to wash the other's car
(3) A contract between a mother and daughter for the daughter to pay the mother housekeeping money while she lives at home
(4) A contract of employment between a company and an employee
Holding companies may give creditors of their subsidiary companies a 'letter of comfort' regarding the ability of the subsidiary to pay its debts.
What is the legal effect of a 'letter of comfort'?
Which of the following statements regarding intention to create legal relations is correct?
Which of the following indicates that the parties intend to be legally bound?