As a minimum, what percentage of the votes is required to pass an ordinary resolution?
As a minimum, what percentage of the members can agree to a shorter notice period in respect of a general meeting?
What is the minimum percentage of the voting rights required by members to requisition a resolution at an annual general meeting?
On a vote on a show of hands, how many votes is each member granted?
Which of the following is included in the ordinary business of an annual general meeting?
In a general meeting, which of the following items of business would require a special resolution?
Which TWO of the following are correct differences between ordinary and special resolutions?
(1) The text of a special resolution must be set out in full in the notice conveying the meeting. The text of an ordinary resolution does not
(2) A special resolution requires 21 days' notice. An ordinary resolution requires 14 days notice
(3) An ordinary resolution can be passed on a show of hands, but a special resolution requires a poll is taken
(4) Copies of special resolutions must always be sent to the Registrar of Companies. Ordinary resolutions do not generally have to be sent to the Registrar
Before a private company can hold a general meeting on short notice, members holding a certain percentage of the company's shares must agree. Which one of the following percentages is correct?
A plc must hold its AGM within six months of its year end.