
cost retire because sell why since how long believe half try repair lamp-post crash garage bring attendant listen to ever never city beautiful film cinema Paris example already leave suitcase pack mess holiday party haircut breakfast roast restaurant dinner ready nearly bath chemist newsagent stationery fruit money thing hope need vegetable list shopping quarter till urgent appointment salesman wear uncomfortable fashion pair buy ago greet go thirstily cut slowly phrase phrasebook pocket hand speak understand smile bus stop suddenly London week the day before yesterday say again phone last answer time awful Denmark stationer way winner finish just exciting stand crowd town race year grocer baker dairy church lucky Sunday Saturday Friday weekend spend keep Thursday Wednesday Tuesday Monday absent greengrocer herself himself themselves myself ourselves yourself enjoy hear baby key dad noise break lean out of quickly so drive library talk match play remain food rich yet get up certainly better mumps measles flu temperature medicine stomach ache dentist toothache earache aspirin headache news bad tongue mouth remember telephone doctor call look feel necessary change chalk glue pad size shop assistant writing paper envelope tonight moment shop every day arrive evening together usually afternoon lunch housework home stay live Thailand Thai Poland polish Korea Turkish turkey nigerian Nigeria Japan Indian India Finnish Finland china Canadian Canada Austrian Austria Australian Australia conversation subject interesting late set early rise night best season south west wet east north always mild Sweden Spain Russia Norway Italy Germany France England Holland Brazil the U.S. December November October September August July June may April march February January snow winter