冰与火之歌(A Song of Ice and Fire)词汇表

冰与火之歌(A Song of Ice and Fire)词汇表
drank mercy meet marriage breast appear whether dress courage burn unsullied roll nine fleet chance forget carve wench twin marry wise weight ugly town sick knelt enemy today steward roose fresh wound tale protect sorry grand clean army weak grow forest blow bare arrow noble cruel vale roof eunuch rising murder anyone thinking purple eyrie course means captive however game dance among sad hide sudden mount woke touch start softly sense count afterward whore rule met lion already shouting morrow bronze quite pair laid gilly imp grass cry unless lived flower claim twice surely play loose break star slow cell happen power pink front earth drunk because bay declare laughter twenty rise priest move line harbor atop slowly falling slid slip forth won warn fair sail nod field winter wing serving question neither harm eight standing learned easy bird chair alive torch singer milk learn land scream letter frightened banner angry win somehow folk cat boots tent crow doing woods thank hour dry council join fist cross carry wide service fine yourself fast ought dying insist trident pleased host trust mud mail tully saddle whatever saying clothes climb throw pay anything agree whole leaves swear offer kind cousin closer chain sept kiss fallen age trying top court body themselves stupid company mad salt needs fish dawn mountain fought beautiful silent naked master gift ahead running large knee reply forgotten blind read hung silence septa during riding drown choice twisted pie shook quiet often knife touched sort sharp reek mind cheek