Science Knowledge 2词汇表

Science Knowledge 2词汇表
eniac interpretation iterate standard STD error and not set case false true stream link deque queue compute interpret run controller register CPU io programming compiler compile key hash list graph tree one zero main void apple microsoft bin exe doc ppt HTTP HTML basic language add to hexadecimal decimal octal button online rand include define return delete sort search binary store calculate loop recursive output input pause do while for else if print char random float int ram ROM heap stack pop push computer laboratory methane carbon monoxide conservation law atomic number periodic table symbol oxide oxidation molar atomic relative physical change emulsification solute solvent combustion ion mixture property chemical change molecular formula elementary catalyst pure unsaturated saturated dioxide carbon dioxide co2 neutralization displacement organic salt compound hydrate solubility crystallization alloy polymer material composite decomposition decompose change qualitative test tube vitro chemist reaction quark core electronics molecular atom element plutonium uranium radium lead plumbum gold platinum wolfram tungsten iodine tin silver copper nickel calcium chlorine sodium oxygen carbon helium hydrogen hydrogenium regional plantation pastoral cultivation nature reserve meadow man relationship Macao loess intensive landform karst belt base position boundary industrial Hong Kong groundwater frozen river lake freshwater process export erosion development technological economic desertification Cultural Heritage coniferous forest disease cave soil alluvial plain agricultural ural typhoon tourist tourism tornado UK USA the United States of America the United States the United Kingdom Amazon Suez Canal steppe seaport coast sea savanna Russia rain resource region rainforest OPEC oasis national park forest marine climate lowland marine use land labor labor force Japan Italy isthmus inland India ice sheet iceberg hydropower Greenland gorge Gobi glacier geographic Germany geographical distribution France