
sick shop floor round trip margin manufacturing manufacturer manufacture manual loan life cycle interest rate flop flexible deferred payments creditor balance of trade wage subsidy litigate line process likely junk mail insure insurance hard sell flextime equity capital entitlement entitle efficiency due checkout Total Quality Control fob CIF variable costs trainee trade mark substantially sick leave shop net margin manpower resources logo letter of credit interest insolvent innovate infringe inefficiency hand in flagship earning commercialise cold vocational vocation trading profit supervisor subsidiary subscribe structure rival literature journal interim insider trading handle gradually fix up fix endorse cost conveyor client reject quarterly qualification purchase outcome merger liability job industrial indemnity gross profit going rate going gearing finished goods fail-safe system factoring dismissal declare contribution unearned income risk capital retail price index reference number quality control quality assurance punctuality overdraft facility out of debt mortgage managerial gross yield goal financing financial earned income dividend divest display constant retail outlet purchase ledger portfolio management portfolio plot orientation monopoly mission irrevocable induction goodwill get into debt diversify dispose of debt deadline chief executive officer cash case study sales ledger recruit point of sale plant capacity picking list overhead costs licence lessee lend legal item issue investor grievance goods gimmick gap dog data processing contractor region recruitment overdraft motivated mobility ledger investment invest incentive gross margin gross full milk fill dramatic division dispose deal consultant consortium catalogue reimburse refund redundant reduce outline motivate lessor incur implication file feedback facilities location down-time down-market dispatch debit dealer conversion contract Quality Circle rework red recovery questionnaire position pipeline pilot outgoing minimise manpower line manager increment field feasibility study facilities layout consumer goods consumer durables consumables consolidate catastrophe reference redundancy reduction overdraw outsource outlay nominal ledger middle management method study manager management make-to-stock leaflet information technology implement grapple with distribution debtor conglomerate cash flow to senior management purchaser punctual post plough back plant manager moderately merit matrix management manning management information system leverage lease job description invoice