筛选结果 共找出2330

 Identify the type of charge that was created over Milly Ltd's trade receivables 

Calculate liquidity and working capital ratios from the accounts of a manufacturer of products for the construction industry, and comment on the ratios. 


Suggest two separate performance indicators that could be used to assess each of the following areas of a fast food chain's operations. 

(a) Food preparation department 

(b) Marketing department 

 Give five examples of a financial performance measure. 

 How do quantitative and qualitative performance measures differ? 

Choose the correct words from those highlighted. 

 In general, a current ratio in excess of 1/less than 1/approximately zero should be expected. 

 Fill in the blanks. 

NFPIs are less likely to be …………………. than traditional profit-related measures and they should therefore offer a means of counteracting ………………………….. . 

What are the three most important features of the balanced scorecard approach? 

 EJET is an airline company that operates domestically and internationally using a fleet of 20 aircraft. Passengers book flights using the internet or by telephone and pay for their flights at the time of booking using a debit or credit card. 

EJET currently measures its performance using financial ratios. The new Managing Director has suggested that non-financial measures are equally important as financial measures and provide further insights into company performance. 

Indicate the statements shown below that are valid: 

A Non-financial measures are less likely to be manipulated than traditional financial ratios. 

B Non-financial measures may discourage dysfunctional behaviour by airline staff. 

C Financial ratios do not need to be linked with non-financial measures. 

D Non-financial measures are a better indicator of future prospects than financial ratios which focus on the short term. 

E Internal efficiency can be measured by the number of flight take-offs that are on time. 

F Non-financial performance measures do not need to be developed and refined over time as they always remain relevant. 

G Customer satisfaction can be measured in terms of the number of failed attempts to make a booking due to website crashes. 

 Summary financial statements are given below for JE, the division of a large divisionalised company: 

The cost of capital for the division is estimated at 11% each year. The annual rate of interest on the long-term loans is 9%. All decisions concerning the division’s capital structure are taken by central management. 

What is the divisional residual income (RI) for the year ended 31 December? 







