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Which of the following statements regarding ordinary share capital is correct? 


 Dividends must be paid on ordinary share capital every financial year 


 On liquidation of the company, ordinary shares entitle the shareholder to have their capital repaid ahead of other creditors  


 Ordinary shares may or may not have voting rights attached 

 Which of the following statements regarding treasury shares is correct? 


 Only public limited companies may create treasury shares 


 A company may exercise voting rights on its treasury shares 


 Treasury shares may be reissued for cash without the usual issuing formalities 

Which of the following describes the public offer method of allotting shares by a public company? 


 An offer to the public to apply for shares based on information in a prospectus 


 Members of the public subscribe for shares directly to the company 


 Shares are offered in a small number of large blocks to persons or institutions who have previously agreed to purchase the shares at a pre-determined price 

 Which of the following describes a rights issue? 


 An offer to existing shareholders to purchase further shares in the company 


 The allotment of additional shares to existing shareholders in proportion to their holdings 


 An offer to debentureholders to purchase shares in the company 

Which of the following statements regarding issuing shares is correct? 


 Shares must be issued at their nominal value 


 Shares may be issued at a discount to their nominal value 


 Shares may be issued at a premium to their nominal value 

Which of the following is true concerning issuing shares? 


A company must receive full payment of the nominal value of a share when it is issued 


 A shareholder who did not pay the full nominal value of their share on issue, must pay any unpaid amount before selling the share 


 Where a shareholder did not pay the full nominal value of their share on issue, the debt transfers to the new shareholder if the share is sold 

 Which of the following describes a company's called-up share capital? 


 The amount the company has required shareholders to pay on existing shares 


 The type, class, number and amount of shares issued and allotted to shareholders 


 The amount shareholders have paid on existing shares 


 The maximum amount of share capital that a company can have in issue 

 Explain the procedure that the members of Glad Ltd must follow in order to amend the company's  articles

Explain whether the other members of Glad Ltd will be successful in their attempt to change the and require Fred to transfer his shares to them

 SG Co budgeted to make and sell 900 units of product M during September. The standard selling price per unit of M is $27. At the beginning of September, a new competitor entered the market and SG Co was forced to reduce the selling price in order to maintain sales volumes. By the end of September, 900 units had been sold for a total of $18,000. In retrospect it is decided that a realistic standard selling price for September, given the unexpected extra competition, was $18 per unit. 

Calculate the sales price planning variance. 

$ ______Adverse / Favourable (select the correct option)