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A business operates on a gross profit margin of 331/3%. were $680.  Gross profit on a sale was $800, and expenses

What is the net profit margin?  









 This objective test question contains a question type which will only appear in a computer-based exam, but this question provides valuable practice for all students whichever version of the exam they are taking. 

While a drag and drop style question is impossible to fully replicate within a paper based medium, some questions of this style have been included for completeness. 

A business is expanding rapidly and buying its material in a variety of countries in a variety of currencies.  It has an exclusive supply delivery contract whereby the same logistics expert makes all deliveries in to its warehouses on a cost plus basis.  It pays all delivery charges on a per unit basis. 

Which of the following are valid explanations of an adverse material price variance measured to include delivery costs as part of the cost per kg delivered? 

Drag the correct items into the box below:

  Exchange rate movements

  Extra discounts agreed

  Increased world-wide demand for the material

  Extra supply of the material becoming available from new suppliers

  World oil price rises

  Increases in the dividends paid by the delivery business 

 A company has the following details extracted from its statement of financial position:


Inventories                  1,900

Receivables                1,000

Bank overdraft            100

Payables                     1,000

The industry the company operates in has a current ratio norm of 1.8. Companies who manage liquidity well in this industry

have a current ratio lower than the norm.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the company’s liquidity position?


Liquidity appears to be well managed as the bank overdraft is relatively low


Liquidity appears to be poorly-controlled as shown by the large payables balance


Liquidity appears to be poorly-controlled as shown by the company’s relatively high current ratio


 Liquidity appears to be poorly-controlled as shown by the existence of a bank

What are the possible advantages for the control function of an organisation of having a standard costing system? 

Why is analysis of financial statements carried out?


So that the analyst can determine a company’s accounting policies


So that the significance of financial statements can be better understood through comparisons

with historical performance and with other companies


To get back to the ‘real’ underlying figures, without the numbers being skewed by the

requirements of International Financial Reporting Standards


To produce a report that can replace the financial statements, so that the financial statements

no longer need to be looked at

Can you think of a service organisation that could apply standard costing? 



Prepare the draft consolidated statement of profit or loss and draft consolidated statement of financial position for the Swing group at 31 December 20X8.

ABC carries out routine office work in a sales order processing department, and all tasks in the department have been given standard times. There are 40 clerks in the department who work on average 140 hours per month each. The efficiency ratio of the department is 110%. 


Calculate the budgeted output in the department. 



Prepare the following financial statements for Black.

The consolidated statement of profit or loss for the year ended 31 October 20X5. 

(ii) The consolidated statement of financial position as at 31 October 20X5.

What problems do you think could occur when standards are being set?