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Calculate the following ratios for Binky and Smokey:

(State the formulae used for calculating the ratios.)

Profitability ratios

     Gross profit percentage

     Net profit percentage

     Asset turnover ratio

Liquidity ratios

     Current ratio

     Quick ratio (acid test ratio)

     Receivables collection period

Fill in the gaps. 

A flexible budget is a budget which, by recognising ..................... , is designed to ........................  as the level of activity changes.  

Compare and comment on the performance of the companies as indicated by the ratios you havecalculated in part (1).

 Fill in the blanks. 

A well-organised system of control should have the following features. 

(a) A hierarchy of .................. 

(b) Clearly identified .................. for achieving budget targets (c) Responsibilities for ................... , ................... and .....................  



Prepare for next year a flexible budget statement on the assumption that the company operates at 85% of capacity; your statement should show both contribution and profit. 

State three problems which may arise from the change in capacity level. 

 Explain what is meant by the principle of controllability. 

 Product GX consists of a mix of three materials, J, K and L. The standard material cost of a unit of GX is as follows: 


Material J                        5 kg at $4 per kg               20 

Material K                       2 kg at $12 per kg             24 

Material L                        3 kg at $8 per kg               24 

During March, 3,000 units of GX were produced, and actual usage was: 

Material J                                        13,200 kg 

Material K                                         6,500 kg 

Material L                                          9,300 kg 

What was the materials yield variance for March? 


 $6,800 favourable


 $6,800 adverse 


 $1,000 favourable 


 $1,000 adverse 

When forming an unlimited liability partnership, a partnership agreement may be written.  Which TWO statements regarding written partnership agreements are correct? 

(1) Terms in the agreement override terms implied by the Partnership Act 1890

 (2) Written partnership agreements are required by law where there are more than 20 partners in the partnership 

 (3) Written partnership agreements must be in the form of a deed 

(4) Written partnership agreements are not required on formation and may be created at any point in the life of the partnership 


 1 and 2 


 1 and 4 


 2 and 3 


 3 and 4 

Which of the following is true concerning partnerships and legal charges? 


 Partnerships can grant fixed charges only 


 Partnerships can grant floating charges only 


 Partnerships can grant both fixed and floating charges 


 Partnerships cannot grant fixed or floating charges