
axe attribute astronomy astronomical archaeologist archaeological afterlife advance acknowledge origin manner landlocked firework carve boules borehole wheat unfavourable tropical tobacco take for granted sugar cane spontaneous spectator siesta setting secondary rural remind refugee racist queue protest prejudiced prejudice population parade paddle offend nickel mining minefield maize mainly machinery kingdom injustice incidentally immigration immigrate hospitable homesick festival exile emigration emigrate dumpling drum drown dragon discrimination custom corruption contract colonise climax characteristic bowler hat behave asbestos anyway agricultural adapt abroad scuba diving scuba dive look forward to wheelchair vital uncaring turn up triumph transplant transitive therapeutic sweetheart suffering sufferer substance sponsor set off sentiment scuba diver run out recreation quadriplegic put up with publicity pregnant poverty physiotherapy per head penitentiary patron paralyse parachute jump packed opportune odds misery mind mercy look after life-giving life expectancy leukemia launch keyboard intransitive incompatible hygiene humane human hope gunman go through glossary give up get over gamble fund fatigue ethical essence encore drag donor donation donate disability dinosaur dignity diagnose diabetic diabetes death dare cure cupful copy convenience contribution conquest conformity compatible compassion charity cancer campaign bullet bring up boyish bone marrow bet avoid applause advertising able-bodied worthless worth wooden withdraw will waxen vintage varnish valuation value valuable unique tiny taste sweet-tempered superstitious stud stare spear snobbery sin silver signature severely second-hand search samovar ruin retrieve retire registration number regime rare priceless precious porcelain pocket platinum package tour old people's home obsession misshapen miniature mine medieval magnifying glass jumble sale jet-black jade ivory intricate institution ice-cold hunting hooked heir hand-me-down golden gold genuine found forehead flannel faded elderly eager delicate decorative cravat communist comb collarless classic chestnut chest charm carving bracelet blood-red bleach authentic auctioneer