
auction house auction attic antique amphitheatre unpredictable nip out hidden agenda flight recorder authority revise wise widow warm threaten tease swing survey smile session see off scepticism rummage route resist receipt purchase provoke privacy press conference press presentation persuade passerby outlook ornament order offer newsreader native mayor Mayday maternity law inquisitive initially incident in excess of immigrant ignore harass gang front row folder focus favour excerpt emphasise distinguished copper congratulate commission coma clarification chief chest of drawers broadcast brain blame bias best-selling battle avert autograph annoy accuse accusation congratulations impetuous expense counterfeit winnings weaver wage version unfair turn on turn down treasure tractor thirst sympathy swerve subsidy skid save up for salary reproduce proverb pond pocket money plot pattern pained owe overdraft outline mortgage mildly marvel lottery loss look up to log let down lady knock over invest intense infiltrate illegal hoot hire purchase hearth heap handle guinea grant go back on glow glimmer glance gentleman gaze forgery forger forge football pools fine feel like fee fall out economise dole dishonest debt curl credit card counterfeiter corrupt consolation confront confess cling cheque bribe blackmail bingo bank note ashamed of allowance agitated vicious traveller's cheque semiconscious relentless quick-thinking peace-loving warn wreckage whisper well-intentioned voluntary verdict vent unconscious trial sunburnt stumble stab split slump slash self-defense risk reward restrain rescue prosecute pretend praise port poorly paid penknife painkiller offence negotiate needle multiple sclerosis mock karaoke jury jazz insensitive hazard hammer guilty goner goldfish frustrated foolish ferry fear effectiveness disabled desperate dash coward courageous cordon convict collide chase buffet blade assist arrest anaesthetist accordingly according to warm-up match Velcro sumo wrestling sumo wrestler hothouse horror story good sport football club supporter support wish winner weapon weakness visualise trampoline tournament tolerate tolerant thunderous