英語進階字彙完全攻略 Advanced Vocabulary Builder for Exams词汇表

英語進階字彙完全攻略 Advanced Vocabulary Builder for Exams词汇表
neat jargon jar slangy skepticism meanwhile at the same time space shuttle shuttle shudder shortcoming lack tremble diver shive shiver settlement settler settle sequel sentimental prequel sentiment sensuous sensual selection selective security secure wrench screw screwdriver despise schematic plan scheme scandalous glance through brow scanner scan dissatisfaction satisfaction satirical satire satirize damnation damn salvation salesman saleswoman salesperson suburban urban rural lit litter garbage rubbish rub strict rigid rhythm and blues rhythm rhetorician satisfy rhetoric satisfying rewarding punish award reversal reverse restricted restrictive profit income retrieval wholesale reestablish restoration last resort as a last resort resort to resistant to be resistant to reservoir duplicate hold back repression renown well-known cure remedy remain remains relic unrelated irrelevant relate relevant weaken weak strength strengthen reinforcement rule irregular regularity anyway reformer deflect reflect reflective reflection purify reference to in reference to with reference to For your reference refer to refer reference reduce reduction re recurrence recur ack recognition recessive recession raised raise bring up rattle on rattlesnake rattle at random systematic regular arbitrary encourage attack raid kempt unkempt rag ragged circumference diameter radius radically survey aire questionnaire request quest for qualified require requirement quality qualify qualification mummy pharaoh pyramidal pyramid pursue pursuit purchaser chase in time on time punctuality punctual publish publication mental provocation incite possibility possible prospective ratio proportional proportion noun pronoun motivate rapid prompt prolong allowance allow forbid prohibitive prohibit regression regressive progress progressive professional profess profession top priority prioritize prior to priority prior sop primitive preventive prevent prevention president presidential accuracy potential energy energy potency portrayal portrait portray South Pole North Pole dive plunge snowplow plow ea plea screenwriter playwright pirate in the pipeline pipe pipeline post pillar colorless pigment drugstore pharmacist pharmacy perspective point of view point personnel pass away