英語進階字彙完全攻略 Advanced Vocabulary Builder for Exams词汇表

英語進階字彙完全攻略 Advanced Vocabulary Builder for Exams词汇表
idol same bark Homo honor honorable goalkeeper puck goalie hilarity hijacker opium heroine hazardous hockey hilarious hijack highlight hazard haunted trouble haunt in harness harassment harass hairstylist hairdo summon hail swig sip gulp bay gulf groom gravitational gravitation gravity grateful gram diagram chart take for scholar scholarship grammatical grammar glory talent talented solid geometry geometric plant plane plane geometry geographer geography engineering genetic engineering brilliant generalization general genetics glorious gifted geometry geographical genetic generalize gene female male sex reunion assembly gathering gallery museum basic conflict clash friction worry saltwater freshwater foster home fossil fuel impending formulation formulaic gas solid fixed liquid flawless fossil formulate formula fluid flaw infertility negative positive reaction feedback wear tire fault faulty fatigue greeting so long farewell fantasy fantastic acquaintance familiar familiarity familiar with familiar to be familiar to be familiar with reputation Fahrenheit Celsius staff outstanding extra curricular extracurricular extinction internal outside external extend extension explosion explode explosive explorer exploratory exploration extract excerpt evidence obvious excel exception exceptional exceed evident evaluation self-esteem respect essentially in essence imbalance inequality equal be envious of jealous envy support tom ton tow bestow evaluate esteem essence equality envious ensure endow stress emphatic emphasize somewhere else perm bleach stain walkway hallway freeway way fear endanger endangered emphasis elsewhere eloquence driveway dye curtain drape drafty documentarian documentary record documentation document doc indoctrinate dogma doctrine marriage married marry divorce broad diversify vary rest unrest disturb twist deform distortion distinct fire self-disciplined disciplined disturbance distort dismiss discipline release discharge accept disapprove digital camera analog apart tell apart differentiate tell diagnostic deterrence destine fate destiny objection destination designation designate deprive of deprivation deprive dense