英語進階字彙完全攻略 Advanced Vocabulary Builder for Exams词汇表

英語進階字彙完全攻略 Advanced Vocabulary Builder for Exams词汇表
approximate formal disapproval approve approval gratitude appreciate appreciation applicable apply acclaim clap antennal antennae antenna jubilee annual anniversary partnership allergen schedule youth government acrobatics CPA Certified Public Accountant public certified cap analytic agendum appropriate in accordance with misuse mistreat relative complete abbreviator shorten analytical alliance airtight agenda advertising adolescence administrative beam administration acrobatic accountant according accordingly accordance abhor bachelor abbreviate cripple crip prospect fertility abortion infant concept resistance spinal cord spinal harness cord breakthrough verge frontier confine disability disable spine paralysis paralyze traditional tradition convention avian flu flu avian statistics statistic shortage recognize acknowledge doom skeptical destroy destruction destructive maximize minimize launch automatically evolve plague devastate ravage incident occurrence occur potent potential poultry vaccine behave behavior patent beneficial upbringing caretaker villain dosage triple psychiatrist psychology psychologist psychological medic medication dismay slap adulthood juvenile abnormal hysterical scent adolescent howl sociable bout cholesterol hardening artery diabetes pneumonia tuberculosis pox smallpox terrorism hydrate carbohydrate checkup assassination assassin assassinate bowel hygiene starvation malaria tropic subtropical guerrilla hostage terrorist painkiller morphine prescription prescribe regulate regulation heroin boycott unpleasant unpleasure nasty withdraw withdrawal addiction administer entitle plight syndrome immunodeficiency acquired AIDS diagnose diagnosis terminal agony widespread epidemic execute implement essential imperative inevitability inevitably habitat displacement displace trespass invade intrude intrusion alien native nutrient break out outbreak alteration polar pole Antarctica swamp bog lush alter fragility fragile oasis Arctic landfill isle attempt endeavor salute salutation enterprise burial bury disposal initiate initial tremendous municipal coral reef reef coral dissolve scrap blunt blot melancholy gorge invasive toss albatross debris researcher research recycle elimination eliminate dispose of dispose undo