英語進階字彙完全攻略 Advanced Vocabulary Builder for Exams词汇表

英語進階字彙完全攻略 Advanced Vocabulary Builder for Exams词汇表
fortunate fortunately unfortunate unfortunately hospitalize species facilitate perish tangle fatal vessel remarkably remarkable remark predominant trigger consensus wither tongue tough though through throng vigorous population populate collective collect collection nightmare ultimate monstrous suspension suspend shrub extraordinary vibrate vibration dusky whin whine dusk realize realization congressperson congresswoman congressman curb lifelong mantle dismantle vail prevail clarify clarity last gasp gasp threshold disclosure incentive divert awhile handle cope with deal with tackle coffin ecological confront brink confrontation graph graphic limp skull wreck crack rib flip crunch hoot hood hoof thought thoughtless forthcome forthcoming odds odd awe-inspiring sad saddle gallop rescind rope trope tightrope truce counsel commission negotiate negotiation distrust at stake stake faction delegate diploma diplomatic eligible authority authorize hemisphere constituent federation abb abbreviation attendance dwarf emphatically carp meantime meant mean meaning bass grill anchor raft paddle navy naval yarn exaggerate exaggeration snore sisterhood brotherhood distract distraction friendly unfriendly amiable stumble reel rod diversion congressional steroid restore lure permit permissible investigate investigation senator cosmetic urine random enact league magnitude muscular bulk credibility disastrous era decent renowned wholesome bonus signature autograph arrogant auction pocketbook textbook asset literacy scandal shame shameful bribe batter folk-rock folklore folk episode sportsperson sportswoman sportsman dignify dignity health healthful recreation recreational border boundary bound blur blurry rip exploitation exploit plot conspiracy retailer retail greedy greed tactic clamp down clampdown clamp hacker piracy suppress suppression copyright copy upload download purchase revenue cite executive chaos valuable priceless comprehend comprehensive pee peek adaption adapt adopt innovate innovative refine refinement mileage conservative conservation notice usage petroleum guideline bondage mount