
billboard sign top sponsor low dark advertisement airplane outdoor channel catalog order childhood hobby spare subject cute freckle dimple look forward to communicate with advertising miss the United States factory assembly line assembly elementary village Peru born well recommendation recommend wax armchair shampoo toothpaste soap skim milk skim cereal ice cream commercial vitamin uncomfortable comfortable shiny dull enormous tiny full supervisor even though mile quick minute turn on shower again second serv crackers cheese guest dessert inside furniture dust spaghetti prepare fence step invite all day make an appointment wait for rest yesterday so-so matter sore throat cough fever earache backache toothache stomachache headache ache cinema multiplex on time appointment occupation waitress waiter translator pilot painter lawyer farmer cashier carpenter architect ahead west behind denver therefore moment haircut become win dollar hurt accident salary player fire California have a cold take a trip get married fall in love future wondering madame teller noon shave suitcase pack hurry try leave picnic clear foggy sailing according to forecast forward really used buy money save high high school begin college move to move finish celebrate eve iron plumber cut doorbell tonight tomorrow December November October September August July June April march February January winter autumn fall summer spring season month past quarter else loan marriage passport submit attach print duplicate downtown ask for pick pick up annoyed apply for apply depressed bowling go to a movie skill tool luck customer inventory equipment operate lock lick file software find hope reception service employment ace pie picture cash register register cash skate superintendent singer salesperson mechanic dancer construction construction worker baker largest motor scooter highway system lane carpool reduce expanding solve trying subway rush hour especially snowstorm hard unusual typical deliver