
lord loosen loose loop loom integrate integral intact insure insurance insult insulator insulate insufficient instrument human huge hug however how housework housewife household house hour forest foresee foremost foreigner foreign forehead foregoing forbid for footstep evening even eve evaporate evaluation evaluate eternal estimate esthetic esteem digital digest dig diffuse difficulty difficult differentiate different difference differ clumsy clue club cloudy cloud clothing clothes cloth closet close breast breakfast breakdown break breadth bread breach brave brass brandy ankle animal anguish angry anger angel angle anecdote and ancient plague place pity pitch pit piston pistol pirate pipeline pipe pioneer pint pink pine pinch pin pilot pillow pillar pile widow widespread wide wicked why whose whom wholly wholesome whole toll tolerate tolerant tolerance token toilet together toe today tobacco pigeon pig pierce piece pie picture pictorial picnic pickup pickpocket shiver shirt shipwreck shipment ship shine shilling shift shield shepherd toast to title tissue tiresome tired tip tiny tin timid shelter shell shelf sheet sheer sheep shed shear she shave repay repair rent renovate renew render renaissance remove remote remind pick piano physiology physics physicist physician physically physical phrase photography minority minor ministry minister minimum minimize miniature mineral mine mind lonely long longitude look logical logic log lodging lodge locomotive instructor instruction instruct institution institute instinct instead instantly instantaneous instant hotel hot dog hot hostile hostess hostage host hospitality hospital horsepower football foot foolish fool foodstuff food fond following follow folk estate establishment establish essential essence essay especially escape erupt error diet die dictionary dictator dictation