
initiate idealize subside anyhow otherwise nevertheless consequently bias diversity advent recession embody explore contrast contest antecedent subsequent relevant tedious strident fragile frigid etiquette eminence eloquence elitism concurrent spontaneous elaborate conscience censorship census consensus bat bet assess diagnose alleviate foxy considerate shrewd adroit neglected negative appliance applicant application applicator believable credulous fabulous performer distill refrain purify interdict attest to pop conjure up dwindle in a breeze in a cleft stick in a pinch ins and outs discrimination immigration genocide avert transfer revert dispel defer compromise inflict outgrow obsolete landmark automatic splash sever tout consolidate step up pop up blow off back down molest implicate administer exacerbate impede terminate encompass sequester obliterate detest crave negotiate request sponsor sprain taint desert demolish dismantle detonate ensue contaminate varnish prelude preclude rehabilitate habilitate gauge supervise foresee advocate fluctuate ignite forestall preview patent petition fastening amend aggravating exaggerate subordinate marginal massive facilitate diminish flushed flattered haul gorgeous gigantic entrance thread household threshold contact contracted culminate contaminated take the place of give way to put away make off save up lay up vulnerability aptitude chaotic hectic callous popularity scandal penalty disrepute defence plea gracious covert eminently hold down hold forth hold up hold onto instinct concept conviction concerning in terms of in exchange for jargon accent dialect inflection take down take after take to take on redundant negligible appropriate irrelevant eliminate forge destroy accustomed fascinated consumed assimilate testimony ceremony hypothesis proposition endorse counteract authorize competitor antagonist peer spouse ambiguous paradoxical controversial appealing justification validity significance by way of in favor of with regard to in quest of watch over break up ward off turn aside versatile singular unanimous riot deterioration maneuver fuss epoch dynasty reproduce collect recruit enroll licking gorge knob pan pole frame sway wave wag tumble ultimate subsidiary resemble accommodate assemble co-operation make up