
photo frame philosopher personality patient occasion obstinate mother modest lucky light lazy kind intention intelligent ideal ice rink husband humorous housemate helpful relationship hardworking hail grandson grandparent granddaughter grandchild grandfather grandmother manner choice get over get out of get on with get in get along with gentleness funny friendly foolish father evidence entertaining either effort easy going deal with daughter cruel cowardly Confucius colleague clever chop child brother bossy base aunt arrogant arrange a couple of writer write worth without wireless network wireless website waitress waiter various theory telescope teacher taxi driver switch on switch off statement soldier software signal shop assistant take part in sensible secretary screen scientist scientific scanner saleswoman salesman sailor sail respond replace relief recharge pyramid program producer private printing press printer predecessor practical rapidly postman politics policewoman policeman police officer plane pilot photograph photocopier paper organization online officer nurse novelist musician mouse pad network model mouse mobile phone microwave oven microscope microbe method mechanic manager machine library librarian lawyer laser laptop keyboard Iranian invent interpreter instruct in advance in addition immigrate hairdresser grocer greengrocer government govern fireman file farmer explore explode expedition examine engineering engineer emigrate email DVD player donate doctor divide diver disk DJ disc director digital electronic device detective despite designer design descent dentist demonstration definite dancer crew dance cook connection connect conduct computer company comedian clerk chemist chef CD player carpenter captain camera calculator by air butcher businesswoman businessman be worth doing battery banker bank athlete astronomy astronaut artist art architecture architect apply aid actor windy whistle wet waterproof wastepaper basket washing machine washbasin warm video recorder vase upset towel torch thunderstorm thunder thermometer temperature tea towel tap sunshine sunny string stormy spoon sore throat sofa sociable snowy table cloth snowstorm