
snowfall smoggy smog sleeping bag sink shower shelf saucepan satellite navigation rucksack rubbish bin rope required report to repair refrigerator rainy radio put out plug plate pillow case pillow pan oven out of order mug mobilephone misty mirror microwave mat map liquid lightning lighter licence lamp ladder kettle jug iron icy ice hurricane humid heat haze handle gas stove furniture frying pan frost fridge freezing gale freezer fork forecast foggy flood flatten flame fix first aid kit fan eyesight extreme dustbin dry drought drawer distant dish washer disaster cushion curtain damage cupboard cover corkscrew cool cooker compass cold coal cloudy clothes detergent chilly chest of drawers central heating centigrade carpet bulb bookshelf boiling blizzard blanket binoculars basin avoid asthma armchair allergy alarm clock air conditioner pocket knife wooden wood weather forecast version unusual tropical triangular traditional tourism superb suggest store threaten stonemason stone steel stage square special smokey shape settle sculptor round roofer review resource refuse rectangular ravishing quietly purpose protective produce praise powerful popular poem play oval ornament orchestra opinion object novel nationality movement monument melt media magnet line forever knock down jazz interval interrupt instrument importance huge horrible gust gravity gold performance geology frozen friction form folk festival fascinatedly fantastic fancy exit exhibition enthusiastic electric guitar drum driftwood downfall display direct describe deny delighted delay cube consider concert decide complete colour colorful classical circus circular chart charming cause career business band ballet average audience attractive attempt artistical apply for age admit accidental wonderful wonder WC village Victorian useless untidy unpleasant unnecessary uninteresting unhealthy unhappy unfashionable unfair uncomfortable tree house traffic sign town tour guide toilet the rest of surrounding study stress straw storage room stair speed limit sitting room