柯林斯Cobuild词频 • 0星词汇 ☆☆☆☆☆词汇表

柯林斯Cobuild词频 • 0星词汇 ☆☆☆☆☆词汇表
ciggy bleeding miaow bonhomie reforestation cost price balls-up sideburns unbiased sleeveless unrehearsed whaler beast of burden staff sergeant monotone Father Christmas distressing ecru family man bramble goddaughter frog-march simulator commercialize medallion old glory evildoer absurdist topside flotilla redoubt overmanning metalwork fingering came misdemeanour brush-off rangy dump truck headhunt melanoma bespoke greenroom ragtime interpretive chancery fiat chancellorship longitude full-grown downstage sheaf under underprivileged airhead gas chamber paedophilia hireling malnourished ampoule timbre ventricle dingo Diskette bedroll lactose cad lampshade sealing wax intercession biopic dating town council toothsome chromosomal polystyrene adjuster dress rehearsal pagoda Brummie insinuate poet laureate optimize gumdrop smelt carbonate thorax soft-hearted vocalize spent garrotte wove weak-kneed computational pick-me-up toggle big bang theory shock jock nom de guerre garbage collector obtainable inter egg whisk parasol shocking pink putative coconut palm ear-splitting slushy hauteur foxhole houseman risk-taking respecter dejected kooky scrubland abacus engraving beagle blancmange free spirit agoraphobia riley bitty decibel kind-hearted anaerobic cravat pinny lintel nullify puce approximation impecunious smallpox unscheduled fleecy gun-shy pole vault gluttony gambit nookie scriptwriter probate internet cafe bird of passage magic carpet woof bijou blustery tufted window shade kept thumbscrew fifth columnist hearer bossy snowdrift direct marketing tendentious barley sugar bandanna peak time subculture lodging house enunciate cupola riotous vinegary cloze diction rowlock kiss of death puritan dereliction unaccustomed significant other bollocks egoism animus foul-up death warrant unsmiling anachronistic monetarist null draughty wiry ruminate truant upchuck interfering tri repent Maori tea table testy adj modus operandi unfasten stanchion talcum powder pepper shaker Cdr gangbuster maharaja checker munchies sedimentary gasworks jaunt bone of contention IOU sunk fractious phonic woodpecker adagio serfdom desolation casuistry incomer semolina congruence yogi flagon pitch-black underfed furrier paganism vamp hairstylist nuptial rectification dessertspoon pre-industrial obverse thumbs down puss cornet inquisitor jink epithet Kleenex scintilla gunfight nightfall culpable roan