positive ion add up to magnetite haematite potassium chloride iron oxide magnesium sulfate add up extend to exactly in contrast give in ore section mysterious at the moment molar coke raw atomic mass mass rail clay bromide concert Pearson caesium half-life seaweed exposure saturated trachea gland thyroid larynx contain marine cattle summarise predict aqueous exist identify collide excellent purpose electric wire exception white-hot light bulb filament tungsten ductility malleability inference peel ammonium nitrate nonaqueous hydrated in rows flat crystalline pattern as well as roll nanotube think about science fiction lift space station stretch cable attached to step into space rocket artwork solubility appearance heading Venus land on spacecraft unmanned dentist application justify positive terminal especially lubricant slippery slide hardness range from tip stub saw rock drill mild sandpaper abrasive network bacteria antiseptic organic instead circuit breaker conductivity volatile volatility relatively tightly lightweight desirable vice versa relate in fact link to tend to gallium hydride analogy hold together be attracted to delocalize delocalise mobile hexagonal oscillator ratio tetrahedron graphite tetrachloride tetrachloromethane reform intermolecular limitation spring stick valency communication convention cross dot belong to nitrate iodized salt work out variety turquoise topaz jade amethyst emerald be due to pale gemstone repetition manner simulation opposite metallic covalent bond ionic bond covalent electrostatic lattice giant find out chemical bond building block estimate compare with calculation historical accumulate achieve fluoride write down correspond to titanium structure innermost nuclei fluorine gain negative ion attain energetic formation charged stability ion for example be equal to period group vertical valence valence electron configuration electronic orbit shell bohr reflective decision dinosaur mammoth extinct Jesus wrap Turin burial shroud scroll in addition tomb archaeology carbon dating break up decay organism proportion tissue Nobel Prize libby uranium slightly tritium deuterium protium symbolic nucleon neutral overall lithium particle electron topic iodize iodise detect radioactive nuclear reactor as a result fukushima widespread tsunami strike off