
level let off let out let down let alone strain stretch leisure literate literary liberal coarse clutch clear classify defy clarify justify clause click clap clamp circulation compensation compression communication curriculum commonwealth scientific community conjunction implicit explicit specific synthetic chronic chorus circular circus coupon corps clip potato chips carry on check on UN Charter charity chaos household chores chore be characterized by symbolize represent trait property character councilor chancellor arbitrator for the better solicitor route tunnel channel coherent consistent conscientious considerate constant conservation consent consensus census celebrity celebration cease category cathedral cassette catalogue keep up with catch up with come up with put up with take a toll toll casualty civilian casualties civilian civil war civil rights be crazy about be concerned about be particular about casual toss carry capacitance capacity caution capital construction capital cardinal number cardinal container caravan carriage wagon literal translation literal leave behind undone by leaps and bounds enthusiast professional layman amateur literacy legend liberty liability the ozone layer lay away lay down lay off lay out laundry lavatory satellite parallel lately later landmass landscape landfill landmark jet lag lane lack lace lap label lash be known for be known as be known to knock off knock out knock about dynasty monarchy empire kingdom kit knot knob keep up keep back keep off mystery keen jeopardize delegation panel crew jury judicial commercial journey trip journalism junction jungle jealousy judgment jeans jar jade jack nicely medium neutral impose on impressive impractical imperial exploration probe survey investigation integration irrigation isolation insulation Ivory Tower isle irony inventory introduce invert invade intervention interruption troop collaboration cooperation coalition Erie Canal canned chant cherish cancel capture crush crash clash career festival costume cluster circumstance castle capsule carrot carbon calcium canvas calorie campus calamity cafe cape cabin cabinet obstruct combat criteria cafeteria patriotism democracy bureaucracy bump bully brake bust burst into laughter run into fall into as for except for but for