
rate speed develop improve advance upgrade employment usage radiation nuclear poisonous toxic spectrum in proportion balance symmetry shine glow spread out send out radiate renewable inconsistency contradiction absurdity paradox offset innovation unusual new novel novelty nominee methodology microcomputer laptop motivator inducement motive incentive clear up illumine light up illuminate start originate lead to cause trigger initiate contaminated infectious immunize alleviate ease promote facilitate devise invent formulate construct manufacture fabricate qualified eligible machinery information technology technique skill expertise refusal offer admission enrollment stir up evoke inform civilize enlighten deduce reasoning induction deduction essay paper thesis dissertation acute chronic hint clue countdown duplication forger forgery duplicate forge copycat clone displace authorize substitute pull up put up bring forth bring up pick up subject summon suppress suspend stick to stand for benefit from count on lean on reject title entitle concentrate conceal constrain trap commission request compel expect remind suspect oblige assess explore simplify savage cruelty cruel brutal confuse confusing indecisive decide decisive indefinite definite freaky freakish eccentric fairness bizarre prejudice ambiguity crystal-clear unclear vague ambiguous harmful biased bias mystify perplex puzzle puzzled bewilder unfavorable favorable adverse unbelievable conceive confidence confident assertion assert assertive rough roughly approximate meaningful meaningless illogical logical ridiculous absurd represent representative delegate deputy incidence misfortune intimate intimacy alliance integrative integrate integration acquaintance strategy atmosphere pollutant popularity abuse imply implication weekly political development movement neighbourhood childish childlike childhood spectator marriage vice-president semicolony prewar postwar interview invade illegal ex-wife ex-president conflict arm with disarm interaction counterattack bystander autonomy fascist upbeat welfare well-being method tactic proscribe forbidden taboo sustainable counteract undermine sabotage formula convention stereotype butcher massacre kill slaughter diversion