
origin originate from disguise in disguise indicator indicate indispensable take far-reaching gold rush rush a host of pick up infer belief acquaint acquaintance account for accountant insist assume presume presumptuous amateur professional profession introduction introduce graduate emphasis emphasize vocational vacation vocation bank on outlook on life world outlook outlook cheer betray forsake replace with pursuit pursue be equipped with livelihood possession possess assess conception concept aim at campaign indeed subject matter be subject to subject exploration explore on behalf of argument argue argue for division divide border visible invisible conclusion conclude tone elevator informality formal stem from nuclei nuclear attempt consensus preface licence legislative legislation illicit illegal legitimate crucial routine nerve cell cell involve restriction keyword wisdom conclusive require call for call on forbid current clone clinic offspring knowingly endanger appeal to appeal for appeal transfer impose on favor in favor of in the air in no time preside chair proposition propose technique husbandry unusual be opposed to declare move swift astonishing startling startle lift the ban impose a ban on ban dismiss member membership panel prosperity prosperous skilled downscale scale glowing handle handicap effortless take for granted shortly sensational look back solid growth growth struggle solely obvious turning business cycle yield to go on a diet quick-witted proud prudent goal potential workforce collapse suicide pave the way for income casualty semiconductor rope overseas domestic sweep into sweep textile vanish shrinkage shrink Consumer Electronics industry enormous be at a loss widen broaden narrow male-dominated predominantly predominance retreat destroy auto industry auto be curious about gravity discover suppose supposedly preparedness in practice however frown graph table data database figure budget worth be worth doing worthwhile worthy of trustworthy noteworthy shock amount amount to victim be convinced that carry out faithful logical logic auditor distract necessity watch advisable advisory imagine substitute for particular in particular particularly cut and dried nature forget Small wonder wonder predictably predictable unpredictable prediction possibility considerate consider fruitful cause curiosity curious confidence