
questionnaire put forward reform essential a bunch of good-for-nothing sufficiency sufficient give thought to chop out version in a fashion mechanical mechanism mechanistic colleague revenue in many cases case toast bakery crude oil crude chain colony academic widespread spread speculative speculate profit profitable revolutionary preside over president official statistics mildly lump together manufacturing manufacturer on average previous acceleration due to rebound cycle recycle inconclusive evidence treasury secretary disjunction anecdote downsize overall factor join equipment machinery revolution productivity productive established establish incorporate Multinational corporation corporate corporation tale sympathetic in sympathy with greedy contemptible contempt earn separate separation confrontation confront annoy common denote explanatory note note consequently consequent consequence ozone layer depletion global warming pioneer corresponding correspond to respond to context compassionate inevitable environmentalist utopia long for scorn virtue virus smallpox eliminate advocate attach importance to attach to epithet label tag reveal survey contrast on the contrary contradiction contradict phenomenon evolution creationism creature creativity creation create philosophy philosopher sociologist sociology social status assemble notably funding fund ignore critical critically criticize critic afford to if anything humanity deepen schism worldview remark catholic church trial rebel aspect uneasy decade enthrone standstill competitiveness intense competition fierce competition competitive fierce competitor compete with worldwide regional census emerging economies emerging countries emerge as emergence emerge flight bearable dramatize drama dramatic space spacious smog crime criminal plague urbanization urban suburban rural rate ratio reason reasonable considerably perplex perplexing witness undergo stress square be composed of devastate vastly vast rap rapid instance related demography generation play a role wave shift from to shift drop out of prevalent prevail immigration immigrant migrate annual add up to climate highlight continuous continual elaborate democracy be engaged in conservative cling to measure layer anchor respectively stationary determine readily with respect to detail in detail construct motion relative continent remind reminder oceanic ocean life span attention span span coastline complementary mark milestone