
aging immigrant overpopulated mouse snake frog hen chicken rabbit dragonfly butterfly mite wasp bee dolphin whale shark koala bear squirrel horse rat falcon sheep goat ape gorilla chimpanzee elephant turtle boar polar bear lion ostrich crocodile deer kangaroo bird reptile poultry creature mammal wild animals agriculture smell visual food chain feed scent hunt prey garbage nut potato fruit seed crop corn plant fiber wildlife spider insect number evolution solitary territory habitat growth speed food kidney stomach brain tongue organ mane feather hide skeleton blood fur skin color weight height length comet shooting star solar equator galaxy milky way tide oxygen desertification deforestation dam pollution statistics politics anatomy anthropology computer science botany biochemistry economics archaeology geology astronomy mathematics architecture engineering chemistry creative linguistics psychology syllabus curriculum optional course compulsory course workshop lecture orientation opening ceremony enrollment sign up enroll in register registration form application form grade score mark tutor supervisor advisor director teaching assistant lecturer doctor master bachelor degree cafeteria building wing annex complex pedestrian parallel arrow traffic lights zebra signage signpost sidewalk pavement corridor T-junction junction crossroad intersection wheel chair block landmark ground floor fork aisle go along east go back go down go up go through go across in the middle On the other side on the side at the end of in the corner at the bottom at the top behind in front of ahead of left hand turn left on the left along next to besides side entrance way out exit rear back door front door access gate door entry entrance technical technique training teamwork suggestion solve search selection vary various review quality preparation purpose problem population practice overview original organize note-taking librarian Internet information improvement unexpected experience equipment persuade difference compromise cooperate cause behavior benefit average effect affect disadvantage disagree deadline paragraph subheading section summary conclusion methodology literature review