筛选结果 共找出2330

How would the above decision change if Pawns, Rooks and Bishops were manufactured in different departments, variable costs could be split down into the costs of direct materials, labour and overheads, and fixed costs could be analysed into the costs of administrative staff and equipment and premises costs? 

The following bank reconciliation statement has been prepared for a company:


Overdraft per bank statement                                     39,800

Add: Deposits credited after date                               64,100


Less: Unpresented cheques presented after date     44,200

Overdraft per cash book                                             59,700

Assuming the amount of the overdraft per the bank statement of $39,800 is correct, what should be the balance in the cash



$158,100 overdrawn


$19,900 overdrawn


$68,500 overdrawn


$59,700 overdrawn

Choose the correct word(s) from those highlighted. 

In a situation where a company must subcontract work to make up a shortfall in its own in-house capabilities, its total cost will be minimised if those units bought out from a subcontractor/made in-house have the lowest/highest extra variable/fixed cost of buying out/making in-house per unit of scarce resource/material. 

Listed below are five potential causes of difference between a company's cash book balance and its bank statement balance

as at 30 November 20X3:

1 Cheques recorded and sent to suppliers before 30 November 20X3 but not yet presented for payment

2 An error by the bank in crediting to another customer's account a lodgement made by the company

3 Bank charges

4 Cheques paid in before 30 November 20X3 but not credited by the bank until 3 December 20X3

5 A cheque recorded and paid in before 30 November 20X3 but dishonoured by the bank

Which one of the following alternatives correctly analyses these items into those requiring an entry in the cash book and those that would feature in the bank reconciliation?

 Cash book entry              Bank reconciliation


1, 2, 4 3, 5


3, 5 1,2,4


3, 4 1,2, 5


 2, 3, 5 1, 4

Fill in the blanks. 

Most of the decisions considered in this chapter involve calculating …………………….. obtained from various options after identifying ……………………….. . They always involve ………………………….  issues, which depend on the precise situation described. 

The bookkeeper of Peri made the following mistakes:Discount allowed $3,840 was credited to discounts received account.

Discount received $2,960 was debited to discountsallowed account. Discounts were otherwise correctly recorded.Which one

of the following journal entries will correct the errors?

Dr   Cr

$     $


Discount allowed 7,680 Discount received 5,920Suspense account  1,760


Discount allowed 880 Discount received 880  Suspense account1,760


Discount allowed 6,800 Discount received 6,800


Suspense account1,760  Discount allowed 880Discount received  880

A company uses its direct labour workforce to make a product for which the sales price and unit cost are as follows.  


Selling price                                                                     80 

Direct materials                                                              10 

Direct labour (2 hours)                                                  20 

Variable overheads (2 hours)                                        4 

Fixed overheads (2 hours)                                           30 

The workforce is operating at full capacity and it is not possible to obtain any additional labour hours in the near future. A customer has asked the company to perform a special job that would require 20 hours of direct labour time. 

What would be the relevant cost of diverting labour from its existing work to perform the special job for the customer? 

The following are balances on the accounts of Luigi, a sole trader, as at the end of the current financial year and after all

entries have been processed and the profit for the year has been calculated









 This objective test question contains a question type which will only appear in a computer-based exam, but this question provides valuable practice for all students whichever version of the exam they are taking. 

Appler is considering the relevant cash flows involved in a short-term decision. An important client has asked for the minimum price for the processing of a compound.  The compound involves the following: 

Material A: Appler needs 500 kg of material for the compound but has 200 kg in stock present. The stock items were bought 3 months ago for $5/kg but have suffered 10% shrinkage since that date.  Material A is not regularly used in the business and would have to be disposed of at a cost to Appler of $400 in total. The current purchase price of material A is $6.25/kg. 

Material B: Appler needs 800 kg of material B and has this in stock as it is regularly needed.  The stock was bought 2 months ago for $4/kg although it can be bought now at $3.75/kg due to its seasonal nature. 

Processing energy costs would be $200 and the supervisor says he would allocate $150 of his weekly salary to the job in the company’s job costing system. 

Based upon the scenario information, what is the total cost of material A and B to be built in to the minimum price calculation? 

The following balances have been extracted from the nominal ledger accounts of Tanya, for bank loan is unknown. There are no other accounts in the main ledger

.Payables $  27,000

Capital 66,000

Purchases 160,000

Sales 300,000O

ther expenses 110,000

Receivables 33,000

Purchase returns 2,000

Non-current assets 120,000

Cash in bank 18,000

Bank loan UnknownWhat is the credit balance on the bank loan account? 







