
value remark evaluate assess turn to think of set out set about leave out get away with crowd in come up with by means of bring up agree on vote survey solution settle method indicate discussion conclude analysis guidance accuse make a difference to fundamental essential status relevant questionnaire position matter issue dilemma condition complicated collision circumstance case betray barrier arise affair acute abrupt owe to come to nothing come off agreement succeed secure reach obtain fulfill fail attain take pains to take advantage of stick to go through give up do with cope with weakness judgement effort effective concentrate abandon purpose objective object mission goal destination moral mature gentle gently courage clumsy cheerful brave accustomed spit litter insult ill-mannered disgusting blame absurd good manners good deed reasonable acceptable warm-hearted tough thoughtful shallow self-centered reliable noble mean honest greedy diligent dignity courageous strong-minded silent shy sensitive sensible practical frank energetic easy-going direct determined pessimistic enthusiastic down-to-earth demanding cruel conservative absent-minded talented intelligent intellectual forgetful dumb bright medium journalist listing current affairs feature explicit cover column anecdote talk show switch soap opera pick up digital TV cable TV preview documentary come out release publisher publication monthly journal chapter caption brochure best-seller tiresome hardship full-time military manufacturing personnel odd capable competent competence certificate attach to post labour blue-collar bonus allowance go on strike day off unemployed resign dismiss hand over take on job seeker job hunting job fair vacant statesman porter clerk carpenter agent model psychologist vice-president accountant soldier general servant tailor merchant grocer butcher barber reporter widow single get-together funeral bridegroom bride break up split separate quarrel loyal harmony accompany acquaintance niece nephew mother-in-law household father-in-law propose proposal urge watch out take care look out prohibit call for ask for claim decline give a hand call off ring up ring off out of order hold the line hold on hang up hang on call up call back extension take it easy