PETS 5词汇表

PETS 5词汇表
affectionate affection affect affair affable aerospace whirl whip whilst while whichever which whether wherever wherein whereby voucher vote vomit volunteer voluntary volume voltage volt volleyball volcano uttermost utterly utterance utter utmost utilize utility utensil usurp usually thick thermal they thesis these thesaurus thermometer thereupon thereof therein therefore thereby thereafter there therapy theory theoretical second-hand secondary seclusion seclude seaweed seat season seaside seashore search recorder record reconstruction reconcile recompense recommend recollect recoil recognize recognition peacock peach peaceful peace pea payment payable pay paw pavilion ourselves ours our ounce ought otherwise other ostrich orthodox orphan notice nothing noteworthy noted notebook note notable not nostril nose mayor maybe may maxim maximum maturity mature mattress matter matriculate inclusive include incline inclination incidentally incident incidence inch incessant inception herald her henceforth hence hen hemisphere helpful help helmet hell gobble goat goal go gnaw glue glow glove glossary glory filter film fill file figure figurative fighter fight fig fiery employee employ empirical empire emphatic emphasize emphasis emperor emotional emotion democrat democracy demand delivery deliver delinquent delinquency delight delicious delicate cellar cell celestial celery celebrity celebrate ceiling cedar ceasefire cease CD burner cavity cavern cave beforehand before beetle beet beer beeper beef bee bedroom bed aeronautics aerial advocate advisory advise advisable advice advertise adverse adverbial whereas whereabouts where whenever when wheel wheat whatever what wharf void voice vocational vocation vocal vocabulary vivid vitamin vitalize usual usher useless useful used use usage us urn urine theology then themselves theme them theirs their theft theatrical theatre the that thanksgiving thankful