
vending machine staff room breather lead time bonus gross income stock options reconstruct take into consideration feasibility execute significant skyrocket merge margin get rid of overstock systematic asset finance the bottom line cash flow concrete challenge forefront design follow through productive action plan work for plan on determine reevaluate establish stick to miss the mark timeline implement starting point evolution revamp solution alternative insurmountable innovative differentiate attractive work wonders impact overstate underestimate come up with perspective assume effective slogan report due deadline deficit convince severe price war approve make it to go down the drain stage ripoff inspiration appeal to go on with far out seize grab in a row unique earnings gain make the most of make good use of aim for take into account low-end end user reflect failure successful rat race in conjunction with kick off contract out allocate coordinate outsource quality schedule creative innovation assess calculate breakthrough brainstorm market niche survey launch reveal press release campaign press kit sales promotion competition project profit and loss cost-benefit proposal word of mouth after-sales service advertisement trend vying competitor niche demand needs prospective customer questionnaire marketing research in the long run high and dry all the way hit the road double-decker tunnel bus stop premium fare expressway cabbie vehicle passenger max out window seat cabin carriage nonstop aisle airline insider trading embezzlement souvenir verification jealous envy protocol hitchhike road trip inspector ventilation check out check in distance identification bellboy receive arrival international terminal domestic flight regular flight trolley perk Cash advance itinerary room rate expense account reimburse double room economy hotel seminar passport introduction audit venture capital joint venture investor supplier manufacturer behind schedule delay procrastinate associated with fortune 500 get down to business shake hands keep in touch sheet sign on behalf of high-speed departure make a reservation cancel laundry dry cleaning morning call route landscape destination round trip go around budget economy class business class first class Branch Office inspect timetable drop by jet lag reimbursement sample location branch head office on business hotel locker luggage baggage bullet train flight accommodation overbook Top of the line brand product line try on brick and mortar inelastic incentive impulse get in touch with belonging Cash on Delivery afford up to date out of stock overprice packing furnish turnover