The Economist(经济学人)20年词频表(全)词汇表

The Economist(经济学人)20年词频表(全)词汇表
artifice airplane acceptability agro airbrush wend waterproof veritas vocally vilification vertex virulence walkabout unresponsive unalloyed triad unsackable surrealist toaster thirdly thorpe terrier silhouette spec stanch sobriquet snowfall rudeness roadster SAT serfdom schul schrod repulse repudiation reissue reintegrate retrace recompense pushover prophylactic redoubtable penultimate preschool portentous pleasing petulant proletarian panhellenic parthenon outstretched outvote ogle nervy newfound misjudgment monetarist negev monorail mustang markup mecklenburg merlin metamorphose mezzanine macbeth kennel lout liaise languid manitoba limber inwards kazan jug jib kelvin irreparable inordinate incalculable inadvertent inadmissible grotty holly idiotic headstrong humbug haw Gemini giraffe gallant gaunt girth gangmaster frippery frieze forewarn flask expendable eugenics emulation figurine exoneration edify elegy downstairs embankment dote doorman despoil debauch detonation ditty divorcee decapitation currie courtly cylindrical deaden cutler clinician cheetah cosh chattanooga centennial cot bray carbide boardwalk candlelight bayonet balaclava beatrix barre biddable boar attainable autonomic augean aviator appreciative acropolis antidepressant admonition anthropological airflow welder yvonne abdomen whistler Whig vita unclaimed ungainly unbridgeable vaginal unsparing UFO truss unbreakable truthful trooper trailblazer thyroid thermonuclear teapot theorise tora suffix swig stilted stylus tanner streetlight sneaker snigger spectral speckle rhythmic sardonic retrograde sandia prostrate reappointment requiem protrude resuscitation quilt prescience pouch persecutor pineapple orchid oncoming obfuscate ostracism oxymoron ogaden moralistic monsieur moneymaking multibillion kantar jebel meteorology infiltrator knob induct immolation indolence housekeeping indigo hoarder hardwood hind hellas hedonistic groupthink guidebook hairdressing handkerchief gladiator gherkin gent goalpost grassy gotcha garfield foreword footwork gemstone gait fay fillet federate exigency figurative feeler extrasolar engraving eternally eureka ess computerisation collectivism bumpkin truism specialism stiletto straggle