
burner by hand burn up by halves burn out be friends with burn down be fond of burn away burst into flames burn burglar burst into flame bureaucracy by far bureau be all ears exceptional explicit estate establishment explanation exception explain except for establish expire essentially except essential excellent expertise excellence expert essence exceed experimentation Ireland inward internal integrate involvement integral intermediate involve intake involuntary interior invoke interim intact invoice insure interference inviting interfere insurance bow brighten blunt boundary bright bound brigade blue bounce blow briefly bottom bloom bottle brief bother bridge bloody both...and blood licence literally leave...for listener library librarian leave behind listen in liberty leave alone liberation listen leave around liberate list liberal leave about liquor eligible endure elevator elevation endorsement ending elephant endless elementary encircle enable electrical empty election accommodation accommodate acclaim accidental accident accessory accessible access acceptable accept accent accelerate academic abuse absurd abstract make a fuss of make friends with make friends matter of fact make ends meet make a difference make the best of harmless harmful harm hardy hardware hardship hardness hardly harden hard harbour happy hunter hunt hungry hunger humorous horrific horrible bomber brand bomb branch broad bolt Britain brake British brain bold brisk boiler bring to bracket brace boil down to bring up boil boyfriend investigate invest in line with inversely in line inventor in the light of invention in light of invent in the least invasion in itself invariably itself invaluable invade item introduction italics critic curriculum cycle criterion currently current crisp currency crisis curly criminal curl crime curious cricket curiosity crew courageous cure courage accordingly clang change Chinese clamp chancellor claim china chance clad chin championship civilization champion childhood champagne child civilian chamber civil get sth. by heart gymnasium gym guy gut gun gum gulf guitarist guitar guilty guilt guild guideline guide guidance guest guess guerrilla