
exercise immune to assimilative similar immune farther faraway distant elimination eliminate fury rage allowance subsidy pause suspend suspension pension climax summit paramount peak unambiguous bottle brittle fracture fragile vulnerable specialize rear unquestioned question search for seek see foreign reign valent prevailing prevail oriented orient oriental catastrophic catastrophe disaster crown crop decelerate accelerate celerity celebrity celebrate avoid evade bias bury strength strengthen pour into outpouring pour good at workpiece mastery master mast attach importance to commend recommendation recommend alternatively regard alternative native armed artificial military hospitality set about set out hostility ghost host massive gigantic giant tremendous enormous acquisition acquisitive acquire merry merge combine with combat combine proclamation declaim declare knowledgeable knowledge acknowledge prudent wizard witch wise elsewhere whereabouts remind of reminder announce remind republish publish release primitive previously previous insistence insist suit pursuit pursue illusion privacy mystery numerous numerical abnormal norm submarine marine bit clothes clothe acceptance expectancy unexpected expect expectation poach candid convenient conventional joint venture adventure pledge guaranteed guard guarantee gender liquidity extensive extended extend extension extent amble ramble affluence adequacy consistent radically nonetheless nevertheless transform transfer upshift drift adept at proficient familiar with unfamiliar variation tendency simulation dynamics variable familiar variety varied vary various stereotypical stereotype anthropologist typically typical psychology designate brand tag label ultimately finally prevent eventually array expose to exhibition swamp exhibit simply radical utmost ultimate extreme reliant dependent cap be peculiar to against the grain at odds odds weird characteristic capability capable cater to cater for cater peculiarity attribute intolerable bearable tolerable endurable durable tract permeate permanent exception exceptional opportunity optional option implement exert pretext context clue cellphone cell scheme schedule inflexible flexible bait