Word Menu词汇表

Word Menu词汇表
petroleum petrolatum peroxide ointment neck brace mustard plaster merthiolate mercurochrome mercuric merbromin menthol lysol lubricant lint liniment lanolin ice pack hydrogen peroxide glycerol eyewash Epsom salts elastic bandage demulcent cotton swab cotton ball carbolic acid lotion boric acid binder Band-Aid balsam application antiseptic ammonia adhesive tape compress adhesive bandage pentothal pentobarbital penicillin palliative painkiller oral contraceptive over the counter OTC polio nupercaine novocaine norepinephrine nitroglycerin neomycin mouthwash miracle drug mineral oil milk of magnesia microbicide mercurous megadose medicinal medication local anesthetic lidocaine l-dopa laxative vaccine interferon insulin inhalant suppressant ibuprofen hormone hexachlorocyclohexane heparin hallucinogen glycerin glauber's salt germicide generic globulin gamma formaldehyde expectorant erythromycin epinephrine ephedrine emetic elixir electuary elavil dressing dramamine diuretic disulfiram disinfectant dilantin digitalis dicoumarin depressant decongestant darvon cytotoxin cure-all curative curare cresol counterirritant cough syrup cortisone collyrium collodion cod codeine clove chloroquine chloroform chloramphenicol catholicon cathartic castor oil Caplet camphor dilator bromo broad spectrum bicarbonate beta blocker benzocaine sulfate baking soda bacteriostat bactericide bacitracin AZT aureomycin atabrine aspirin antivenin antitussive antitoxin antispasmodic antiserum antipyretic antipruritic antihistamine antiemetic antidote antidiuretic anticonvulsant anticoagulant antibiotic anthelmintic antagonism antacid anodyne anesthetic ampule amobarbital amitriptyline seltzer agglutinin agar aerosol adrenaline acetylsalicylic acid acetaminophen abortifacient xyster wick wheelchair walker trocar trephine toothbrush tongue depressor tenaculum suture staple gown surgical stylet stretcher straitjacket stitch stirrup stethoscope sphygmograph speculum sigmoidoscope seeing eye dog scoop scalpel retractor retainer resuscitator respirometer respirator rectal radiopaque radio knife proctoscope pneumograph plexor plessor percussion hammer pacemaker Oxygen Tank oxygen mask otoscope ophthalmoscope nebulizer lithotrite ligature lancet kymograph isolation iron lung inspirator inhalator infusion hemostat heating pad heart-lung machine gurney gastroscope foley fluoroscope false teeth evacuator endotracheal endoscope electromyograph drain dermatome dentures dental floss forceps defibrillator curette clinical thermometer clamp catheter cardiograph cannula radiograph bitewing bistoury bedpan autoclave aspirator