
carve into carve carvacrol Caruthers Carus caruncle carum carucate carucage Cartwright cartwheel cartway cartulary cartularies carts cartroad cartridges cartridge case cartridge belt cartridge cartouche cartouch cartop cartoons cartoonist cartooning cartooned cartoon kɑː'tuːn] n.卡通;漫画  cartoon (film) cartoon cartons cartoning carton cartomancy cartography cartographical cartographic cartographer cartogram cartman cartload carting cartilaginous Cartilages cartilage Cartier Carthusian carthorse Carthaginian carthage cartful cartesianism cartesian geometry Cartesian Cartes Carters Carteret carter cartelize cartelization cartel carted carte blanche carte Cartagena cartage cartable cart Carson carsickness carsick carse Cars carryover carryout carryon carryings-on carrying vessel carrying value carrying capacity carrying carryforward carrycot carryall carry-over carry-on carry weight carry up carry to carry through carry the day carry the can carry over carry out carry on... carry on with carry on carry off carry into practice carry into effect carry forward carry flag carry down carry bit carry back carry away carry around carry a tune carry a torch carry carrousel carroty carrottop carrots carrotin carrot-and-stick carrot soup carrot juice carrot and stick carrot Carros carronade carromata carrom Carrollton Carroll Carrol carrizo carritch carrion carriole carries carriers carrier-borne carrier rocket carrier protein carrier pigeon carrier detect carrier bag carrier carried out carried interest carried away carried carrie Carrickfergus carrick carriageway carriages carriage with semicushioned seats carriage trade carriage return carriage paid carriage free carriage forward carriage drive carriage carriable Carrera carrell carrel carrefour Carraway carragheen carrageenin carrageenan carrageen carrack Carr carpus carps carpospore carposporangium carport carpophore carpophagous carpool carpology carpological carpogonium carpo- Carpinteria carping carpi carpetweed carpets carpeting carpeted carpetbagger carpetbag carpet slipper carpet bombing carpet bomb carpet beetle carpet carper carpentry carpenters carpenter carpellary carpel carped carpe diem carpathian carpals carpale carpal tunnel syndrome carpal bone carpal carpaccio carp at carp carousing carouses carouser carousels carousel caroused carouse carousal carotte carotin Carotids carotid artery carotid carotic carotenoid Carotenes carotene Carona caroms caroming caromed carom Carolyn Carolus carols carolling caroller carolled carolinian caroling Caroline Carolina Caroli caroler caroled Carole Carola carol