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The following statements have been made about the drawbacks of activity-based budgeting:  

(1) It is not always useful or applicable, as in the short term many overhead costs are not controllable and do not vary directly with changes in the volume of activity for the cost driver. 

(2) ABB will not be able to provide useful information for a total quality management programme (TQM). 

Which of the above statement(s) is/are true? 


 (1) only 


 (2) only 


 Neither (1) nor (2) 


 Both (1) and (2) 

Which one of the following statements is correct, with regard to the preparation of a statement of cash flows that complies with IAS 7 Statement of Cash Flows?


A statement of cash flows prepared using the direct method produces the same figure for net

cash from operating activities as a statement produced by the indirect method.


An increase in a bank overdraft during the accounting period is included within cash flows from

financing activities.


A profit on the sale of equipment is included within cash flows from investing activities.


A surplus on the revaluation of property will appear within cash flows from investing activities.

 Incremental budgeting is widely used and is a particularly efficient form of budgeting. 





The following information is available about the plant, property and equipment of Lok Co, for the year to 31 December 20X3.


Carrying amount of assets at beginning of the year               462

Carrying amount of assets at end of the year                         633

Increase in revaluation surplus during the year                        50

Disposals during the year, at cost                                          110

Accumulated depreciation on the assets disposed of              65

Depreciation charge for the year                                              38

What will be included in cash flows from investing activities for the year, in a statement of cash flows that complies with IAS 7 Statement of Cash FlOWS?









State how Grace's statutory redundancy payment will be calculated (the actual calculation is not required) 



Identify what an employer must prove to avoid being found liable for unfair dismissal

 Explain whether Fred can claim unfair dismissal 

 Explain whether Gale can claim unfair dismissal 

To claim (1) ___________ for unfair dismissal, three issues have to be considered. The employee must show that they are a (2) ___________ employee and that they have been (3) ___________ The (4) ___________ must show what the (5) ___________ was for dismissal Application has to be made to the (6) ___________ within (7) ___________ months of the dismissal 

'Holding out' is a key element of which form of agency?


Agency by estoppel


Agency by necessity


Agency by implied agreement