
who Ms. billion million thousand hundred ten nine eight seven six five four three two one zero Mr. damn wow please pardon yes no hello bye a the an which it they we she he you I such another those these that this many few every each both some any all next last whether or while unless if and but though because what why how where when else neither either too also maybe perhaps probably otherwise eventually finally always usually often again gradually immediately suddenly soon slow fast V certainly absolutely especially actually enough almost extremely well very much quite alone extra aside together apart forth away there here forever never ever yet already ago recently then just early now per despite according to including except among besides as than instead till since during without with of within inside outside below above under beyond around between behind before beside by at about for toward to from against out in off on through down up over along past across worth public expensive cheap international native local mental physical legal relative free necessary professional formal main important causal serious own particular average popular general common normal typical different same regular special gross incredible comfortable strange weird horrible fun simple complicated specific exact complete fake false true real awful terrible bad excellent amazing wonderful perfect great fine nice good successful fair lucky proper correct strict wrong safe dangerous available possible efficient urgent due late difficult hard easy lonely jealous disappointed bored excited mad crazy