
Take temperature have a temperature get a temperature tell the truth tell from mobile telephone public telephone technology team up with teacher taught teach make tea take a taxi by taxi taste of task tape tall talk into tale take medicine take an interest in take care take it easy take up take out of take a walk take a bus take down take back take away take a look tail table lamp table tennis at table swing go swimming sweet sweep sweater surface make sure of be sure of supply supper supermarket sunny Sunday with the sun in the sun summer suggestion suggest sugar suffer from suddenly all of a sudden as such such as successful success succeed in subject stupid study student strong strike street stream a stream of strawberry stranger storm in store stone stomachache stomach stick at stick to step forward take steps step by step steel steal stay up stay in stay for station start on state start out to start with standard stand out stand for stand up stamp stair square spring spread spread out sport spoon spirit spend spell speed up speech special spare no pains space southern sour in the soup sound like sort of feel sorry for no sooner than as soon as sometimes after some time solution solve solid soldier soft sofa sock society social soap opera so long as so what so that so as to if so snowy snake in smooth water smoking smoker smokeless Cigarette smoke smile on smile at scent smell slow down slow up slide go to sleep sky skirt skill go skating for size size up situation sit up for sit down sit out sister single simply simple similarity similar silver silly silky silk keep silent silence side sick of shy shut up take a shower shower show around shout at Shout out shoulder to shoulder shorts be short for be short of shopping mall shopping centre go shopping shoe lose one's shirt keep one's shirt on shiny shine shelf sheep have a share in shape into shame shake hands several settle down settle set down set out set off set up a set of service serve with serve as servant take seriously be serious about September separate from sentence sense send up send out send for send away sell out seldom see for oneself secretary In the secret in secret second take one's seat out of season in season search a sea of by sea screen score scientist science schoolbag say to oneself go without saying save on save one's breath sausage Saturday