
chicken on time chocolate cabbage onion carrot do mineral water melon carton tin can packet container oil cream lychee salad pea fry rice prawn need go shopping serious confident talkative intelligent funny shy glass wear straight curly height average fair good-looking beard wavy advertising put on slim work off member energetic change club health sauna standard Olympic further pool work out twice gym sit around costume opposite cafe newsagent greengrocer chemist supermarket San Francisco Sydney Dublin Lima CAPE TOWN Ireland acton laptop suitcase stand lamp most of all cheap district financial crazy chaotic well-organized dangerous ugly calm windy cloudy foggy rainy shine sunny like weather degree minus temperature crowded abroad staff park put up poster player paint cooker rather neighbour smoke permit Cambridge Edinburgh manchester Stratford arrange free perhaps speak waiter as well not really luck uncomfortable ride length return airport coach travel journey fare depart subject offer invitation tube accept suggest avenue barbecue tired noisy plumber shower cleaner dear viewer repair either garage available cost transport farther price safe pretty quiet be interested in convenient condition excellent attractive light ring up talk about rent nervous face to face estate agent estate look for penny understand calendar per station expensive separate mean problem advertisement advert abbreviation hunt Scotland actually empty on holiday interview concert develop train be responsible for currently right now miss centre customer important a lot of wait for work designer artist clerk lots of married consultancy management programmer lawyer insurance at the moment construction elder lecture retired cousin helpful water corner plant photocopier machine fax phone telephone stupid capital lift lounge stair top business banking personal reception room post ground floor boss luggage invite foreign prepare contact immediately message