柯林斯Cobuild词频 • 0星词汇 ☆☆☆☆☆词汇表

柯林斯Cobuild词频 • 0星词汇 ☆☆☆☆☆词汇表
Passover shut-eye Achilles tendon ventriloquist infidel impressionist downmarket overshoot common noun impetuous agent provocateur unreadable coat of arms sexologist RDA eastbound pre-emptive saccharin disempower slumber harrow nodule self-interested repentant tuner griffin pollinator tarred crushingly diplomatic immunity denude chivalric sniffy heat stroke cataclysmic barrage balloon arsonist poser multiracial alchemy maudlin backpack cuttlefish umpteenth landslip cure-all bemuse newspaperman chargeable satay weaver template incubator warlike funfair bottomless main street flatware ground crew washroom alchemical confidentially cuticle ex canine flax quonset hut gibber craven loll wastebasket big band lowest common denominator impersonator hurtful thine exec Pte forbear savvy lay hothead cadaver ovum guarantor amp blameless damnable grooved mutineer radiological sea lane boozy ditzy geophysics waxwork day-tripper chop suey field sport lefty philosophize silent partner assuredly stewardship inborn serviette pelican prostrate wormwood wingspan diddle matchbox ratatouille iffy chewy egoistic quick-witted means test indivisible amorous syntax breadfruit damnedest multifarious paper tiger timorous porno anglo-catholic consenting mortician massif perplex olden disparage banquette colossus gumball twitter ratchet lithe bollard unemotional blockbusting socio sunburn outpouring megahertz lovelorn crept boxcar dartboard close-cropped subhuman epileptic homogenized video conferencing unearthly mackintosh aeronautical dereliction of duty jet stream fishing rod caliph climatologist papier-mache prophesy hanker surplice filing cabinet firing line separable fibrous leery luncheonette rake-off wisdom tooth monetarism yak pucker enumerate decrepitude fruitcake guzzle amen engine room castor oil upwind parched faintest poky self-important live wire artificial insemination anorexic sprite spacing thickener nurseryman misshapen incorrigible epigram red flag salt cellar riposte eyrie harem chatty recidivist locus vixen whorehouse entrance fee dinky public nuisance trickery backtrack curtsy disuse collocation hot rod aphrodisiac incidental music jotting nursing bottle afternoon tea philology deferral whomever curtailment saggy punctuation white meat blown hairpiece polity self-denial unblemished toilet water carrot and stick baboon dignify Americana empty-headed monarchist modernistic corrosive bottled excreta conjunctivitis repulsion