柯林斯Cobuild词频 • 0星词汇 ☆☆☆☆☆词汇表

柯林斯Cobuild词频 • 0星词汇 ☆☆☆☆☆词汇表
agglomeration lymph node dilettante exact science troopship palindrome sobriquet spinal cord Jerusalem artichoke absenteeism tsarina tracker deprecate hygienist seabird centurion vote of thanks houseroom burgle stoical interplay beachhead seashell quinine proscription triumphal overground crash helmet laminate stole haulier archdeacon sangria megaton scamper storybook hard cash grimy reversion hard-won soundbite unambitious Trotskyist repairman pendulous rockabilly wattage beatific excavator semi-annual unhinge ruff idiocy intro rhapsodic tech vandalize kettledrum slather stagecraft fire drill trace element unintelligent farthest nocturne bipolar airtight coterie pothole tormentor radiology promontory agony aunt shake-out unholy proficient ESP phobic rosary hard copy do quince emplacement assemblywoman unrecorded lumpectomy Quran wholesaling bloodstained unworldly quotient patrolman face-saving foetal canal boat hydroelectric emancipated duplex warder prance applicator delectable told Easter Sunday decontaminate rhizome order book seaworthy arraign transverse accusative reclamation plagiarism torque dismount octagon dinnerware turn-up autumnal miscarry shopaholic captivating picky retail price index well-endowed oceanic airbrush Brussels sprout whorl dyed-in-the-wool run-off intercontinental dialectical milkman footloose prelate shoulder pad untangle chauvinistic persona non grata blew character actor Touch-Tone chubby crooner right of way oxygenate unfocused Limey underutilized byline dexterous candour troika sec slinky implode yuk garter belt gangrenous paediatrician talkie cantankerous damnation showmanship godhead convenience food forbearing unadulterated forgot balsa humanistic flying fish erasure Muzak blast-off confessor loath saccharine soupy luckless expense account tarry black belt snowmobile gainsay overpay ricochet scabby optician resit mope around bestiality shamefaced clincher westernmost rocket scientist matchmaker astound unzip soya bean snitch frisson oppressor souk educationist cash-strapped dude ranch half-wit scrambler dockside Sanskrit lacuna addressee incognito coefficient summer school mailing rattlesnake expiry gasometer insole gantry reclusive forgave pilfer bestride malady speedometer arrogate deathbed parapet graveside dysentery firmware shock absorber fail-safe heterogeneous dogmatism luge croup oratorio avionics turn-on bowling alley practised porthole battering toff frosted