柯林斯Cobuild词频 • 0星词汇 ☆☆☆☆☆词汇表

柯林斯Cobuild词频 • 0星词汇 ☆☆☆☆☆词汇表
flab shitless viscous salivary gland squib pedantic countertop hygienic barrow breadbox silver lining bicyclist poofter surrogacy tomfoolery inextricable juggler dint applecart accompanist bell ringer coypu assignation xenophobic paunchy farrier yard sale outvote reconstructive bath towel particularity suburbia poetical liquefy supranational pubic reactivate Spillage scrappy awoken committal plumb line apostasy bifocals spiel sightless persnickety twosome wallflower kid gloves untrustworthy unsatisfied oystercatcher octopus rhythm method crevasse preconceived troubleshooting consensual essayist weightlifting selector radiographer unpronounceable chaplaincy chagrined nougat stolid intuit Yule tax haven mouth-watering chink malcontent health club serpentine Chicano organ grinder risen brine Antipodes artistry seahorse unpromising magic bullet agate plain flour infatuation quadrille trill fastener national guard zucchini pistachio gable upend race riot VDU disobedient unsuspected incredulity long-sighted flying squad papacy dopey workmate expendable land registry rivulet farcical highbrow dowdy face powder councilman campground printed word acquiescent chump soup plate decolonization greyish swimming trunks enchilada falconry whitish inky psycho ruction Funeral home generational elucidate broach swimming bath sulphuric acid fungicide smokescreen tiller longish invidious shilly-shally prince charming healthful cold-blooded beachcomber agnostic bugle moralist osmosis homicidal retool whippersnapper frock coat command performance axiomatic salad bowl press box white-haired doyen river basin silage pelota musk shocker unawares mushy gotta houseproud garlicky dogleg OAP hutch seraph excrescence knotty ayatollah insubordinate beauty spot privet sibilant cross-question small talk forego reductive jokey antecedent microbiology pseudonym subtotal case verbalize look-in UFO bird of prey unfathomable pragmatics unloved cul-de-sac commandment slime underfunded dribs and drabs swank whinger infinitive penitentiary chief executive officer demarcate beltway unconnected irrelevancy weather station yahoo peccadillo jock infatuated haywire flea market stepchild eliminator insipid premarital matador moccasin street cred casket once-over dunce agro consumptive rappel hideout unrivalled technophobe bathing suit boob Negress tiling physicality modular bilge carte blanche rip-roaring mimicry grandiloquent percolator matting decorum desktop two-dimensional editorialize