
inner interior interdependence interference interaction strong intense mind intelligence installment spoil indulge inappropriate passive inactive incorrect inaccurate conform in accordance with touching impressive influence impact assumption hypothesis rough harsh difficult hardship harbour residence habitat picture graphic talented gifted factor gene execute fulfill chill freeze piece fragment structure format predator opponent rival enemy foe limited finite hunger famine quotation extract expand extend use exploit clear explicit test experiment fatigue exhausted utmost extreme exceptional develop evolve proof evidence finally eventually moral ethical estate built established unpredictable erratic geography equator boss entrepreneur encyclopedia hard elusive dispose eliminate aged elderly illustrate elaborate eco-friendly lasting durable dry drought striking dramatic overbearing dominant field domain record documentation spread distribute divert distract disrupt show display different disparate expose disclose wreck devastate hold detain appoint designate frustration depression teeth dental statistic population demographic republic democratic postpone delay limit deadline flash dazzle wet damp restrict curb condemn criticism risk crisis convictive convict conviction criminal reliance credibility collapse crash mate courtship link correlation disputable controversial uncertain contingent significant considerable traditional conservative puzzle confuse inharmonious unharmonious conflict grant confer concur focus concentrate hide conceal contrast compare travel commute public communal engagement commitment remark comment municipal civic verify certify serve cater disastrous catastrophic volume capacity disaster calamity load burden mishandle bungle barrier boundary destroy blight tolerate bear compatible be consistent with government authority opinion attitude union association allocate assign order array agree approve utilization application height altitude irritate allergic help aid pleasant agreeable attack aggression trouble adversity habit addictive gather accumulate curriculum criteria military component compensate