Word Menu词汇表

Word Menu词汇表
corndog coq colcannon choucroute chop suey chili dog tetrazzini cassoulet carbonara Caesar salad burrito bouillabaisse boiled dinner Wellington sparerib adobo waitress sous sommelier short-order server scullery maid restaurateur publican maitre d' maid innkeeper headwaiter confectioner caterer carhop busboy bartender barman barmaid barkeeper veggie vegetarian tv dinner trattoria to go takeout supper smorgasbord side dish serving Self-service restaurant repast power breakfast pot luck pit stop nouvelle meat and potatoes macrobiotics luncheonette luncheon lunch counter luau kickshaw junk food home cooking health food haute greasy spoon finger food fast food elevenses early bird drive-in doggie bag dietetic delicatessen deli dejeuner crudites continental breakfast cookout cookoff cooking cookery convenience food coffee shop cocktail party clambake chophouse charcuterie catering du jour carryout cafeteria brunch brasserie box lunch bite bistro bake-off appetizer antipasto steep sweat stir-fry shirr saute ripen reconstitute pare parboil pan-fry mix marinate macerate homogenize hard-boil fry frizzle fricassee freeze-dry fold quick-freeze dice desiccate degrease deep fry cut in curdle charbroil casserole carbonado caramelize bruise braise boil down boil bard bake whitebait vol-au-vent well done vacuum-packed unmold temper tandoori sunny side up subgum stroganoff sashimi roulade Provencal plump pizza piccata patty parmentier curlpaper over easy omelette mirepoix macedoine lyonnaise lardon kabob julienne fondue flute flambe farci estragon entremets dunk drizzle dress drawn dough devonshire dauphine croustade crackling clotted chiffonade canape calzone cacciatora anglaise amandine whiskey vichy distilled vegetable juice tomato juice tisane soybean milk soda water sarsaparilla root beer phosphate orange juice orangeade mixer mineral water milk shake malt liqueur rickey limeade koumiss lemonade kava green tea grapefruit juice ginseng Ginger ale fruit juice espresso eggnog coffee coconut milk club soda cider cappuccino latte cafe noir filtre black tea beer beef tea apple juice vichyssoise pea soup shark's fin scotch broth ramen ragout potage navarin mulligatawny mulligan miso minestrone matelote madrilene lobscouse hasenpfeffer gumbo goulash gazpacho fumet egg drop soup daube consomme